Jason Collins Receiving Death Threats Via Twitter – Black Enterprise
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Jason Collins Receiving Death Threats Via Twitter

jason collinsLooks like some in the world still can’t accept a man being gay.

As much praise that newly-outed NBA player Jason Collins has been receiving on his recent announcement to the world that he is now openly gay, he is now getting death threats as well. Twitter has been abuzz with detrimental comments towards Collins and some even wish death on him.

This has caused many people to spout homophobic words towards him. Some examples:

“Listening to Jason Collins describe his gayness as ‘beautiful’ makes me wanna puke. And kill him.”

“Jason Collins should get the death penalty lol how u a 7 foot gay dude lol the west is crazy smh”

“First jason collins say he gay.. Now he on espn w lipgloss on  kill him now !!!”

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