Girl Gone Geek: Jamila Rowser Brings Unique Chic to the Masses

Jamila Rowser, blogger, Girl Gone Geek (Image: Rowser)

If you’re unfamiliar with the incredible smarts and talents of New York’s own, Jamila Rowser, please take time out of your day to read this chat.

The creator and sole contributor to the widely popular, Girl Gone Geek Website, Rowser is knowledgeable about all things within nerd culture. The military brat settled her roots in the Big Apple and proceeded to develop a blog around her unique voice and interests. Spending hours face-deep in comics, or burning her retinas watching the latest anime, Rowser uses her strengths to create lasting relationships with fellow geeks, inspire readers with her own story, and combat the deep-seeded sexism that exists within the industry.

A savvy personality herself, Rowser’s face is a welcome presence during the comic convention season, as her cosplay (costume play) is eagerly anticipated. In addition to Girl Gone Geek, the chic comic book lover also hosts the Geek Girl Brunch, which allows fellow lovers of anime, tattoos, video games and tech to discuss their admiration over unlimited mimosas.

BlackEnterprise.com chatted with Rowser to discuss her affections for all things geek, her unabashed belief in her Girl Gone Geek blog, how digital culture has helped or hindered her success, and why she continues to fight for black geeks around the globe.

BlackEnterprise.com: When you first started your Girl Gone Geek blog was there any trepidation on your part? If not, can you talk about any obstacles you faced in getting your name and reputation established as one of leading purveyors of nerd/geek culture?

Jamila Rowser: When I started my blog I didn’t have big intentions for it so I wasn’t nervous; I just hoped a few people would read it. Its main purpose was for me to talk about my passions since most of my friends weren’t into geek culture. I also wanted to make geek friends; even if was just on the Internet. So in that respect, it has been a success. All of the other amazing things that have happened because of my blog are like the bonus levels in “Sonic” [The Hedgehog], I don’t need it, but they are really awesome. I think what helped is I didn’t start my blog in order to become a “leading purveyor” so I was never pressured to scarified my blog’s integrity or my voice to become famous. I haven’t really had any obstacles, but I think some new bloggers don’t realize that establishing yourself takes time, if it happens at all.

It’s no secret that you have passion for all things gaming, anime, and Doctor Who — but how have you translated that into a successful business venture for yourself?

It’s lovely coincidence. Since I never cared about making money from blogging, anything I get is a bonus. Also working in community management and social media as my day job and having a “successful” blog has helped with freelance and consulting opportunities. Whenever I go in for interviews, they always want me to talk about my blog, so I know my little blog about geek stuff has helped me land jobs.

You’re fresh off of celebrating your fourth anniversary of Girl Gone Geek. How did you ring in another successful year and what are you planning as your 2015 goals?

I usually throw a giveaway or do a post to celebrate my anniversary but this year I almost forgot! I’ve been so busy with new projects like Straight Outta Gotham and Geek Girl Brunch–it almost slipped my mind. My evergreen goal is to just be better than I was the year before. Every year my blog changes a little for the better. One new goal is to start writing fiction. I’ve had some ideas for a while but suffered from self-doubt. I finally convinced myself this year that it’s silly to think you’re bad at something you’ve never tried before.

How has the shift to online, original content helped or hinder you in your everyday, real life?

I think it’s wonderful and necessary. It’s helped give voice to the people and showcase opinions you wouldn’t normally see in traditional print media. So in some ways, it’s educated people in ways print can’t because there are no rules on the Internet. Most bloggers aren’t answering to anyone but themselves. On a personal level, it has given me the platform to voice my thoughts and opinions on geek culture. But with that being said, I’m a huge fan of print. I almost solely buy print books and comics; they are like a work of art that you can hold and read.

Read how Rowser interacts with her fans and operates her other sites on the next page…

Can you talk about the most interesting thing a fan has ever done when they met you?

I’m always shocked when someone recognizes me. I always think they are confusing me for someone else! But one of the most memorable instances was at a panel I was on about women in comics. After the panel, a father and daughter (around the age of 13) came up to me; the dad

told me that his daughter was a fan of my blog and it made her feel like she wasn’t alone. That there were other geek girls like her in the world. I was so moved I almost cried. I still get emotional thinking about it.

Unbeknownst to people who aren’t hardcore fans of yours, you run a pretty on-point Tumblr titled Straight Outta Gotham. How did that idea formulate and what are the pros and cons to running multiple sites?

"I hope Straight Outta Gotham shows the similarities geek and hip-hop culture have." (Image: Rowser)

Straight Outta Gotham is so much fun! I’ve always heard these geeky rap lyrics in songs and they would make me happy. I felt like the rapper was speaking a secret language that I understood. I always wanted to do something with these lyrics and of course my head always goes to comics. I wanted to illustrate the lyrics like a comic. But alas! I am no artist, but I can make GIFs and memes. So Straight Outta Gotham was born.

The pro of multiple sites is that I get to do more things that I like. Girl Gone Geek is like a personification of myself. Straight Outta Gotham is where I can mash up the two cultures I love, hip-hop and geek. They usually exist separately, but I hope Straight Outta Gotham shows people the similarities geek and hip-hop culture have. I also hope it makes them laugh. Geek Girl Brunch is like a geek sisterhood where we get to hang out, create friendships in a safe space.

Time is the biggest issue I’ve faced having multiple sites, and probably will face for a while. As the years go by I add more projects to my list so it gets harder to find the time to work on all of them. But I love them all, so even though I spend a whole lot of time on these sites, I’m always happy to do it. It’s essential for your side projects to be fueled by passion so they never feel like a job.

How has the cultivation of your content with Girl Gone Geek influenced others in the blogosphere? Do you see yourself as an influencer or tastemaker of nerd/geek culture?

I suppose by definition I am an influencer, but I’m so severely in denial about the impact my blog has unless it smacks me in the face. I think it’s partly due to Girl Gone Geek existing online. Most of my

interactions with my readers are online, so when I meet people in real life I’m always shocked. It’s a different experience seeing hits on a blog or your follower count than meeting someone who is a genuine fan in real life. It’s unbelievably moving and means the world to me.

Read how Rowser hopes to improve on geek culture on the next page…

Attendees enjoy networking and food at the Geek Girl Brunch. (Image: Rowser)

Most sites aim for ad revenue or advertorials to increase their dollars and brand awareness. How do you feel about paid content being used on popular websites?

I think it’s fine as long as it’s in moderation, doesn’t sacrifice the integrity of the website and goes along with the voice. Bigger sites with a paid staff are pressured to make money and get hits because they have a staff to pay. But if you’re an indie blogger I think it’s best to approach these opportunities very carefully since you don’t “need” the money. I shoot down 99% of the paid opportunities on my blog because they just don’t fit with my voice. Since I didn’t start blogging for money, I never feel pressured to make money.

In addition to your respective sites, your latest endeavor is Geek Girl Brunch with your friends Rachel and Yissel. What was the inspiration behind this creation and why do you feel it is appreciated by your contemporaries?

Geek Girl Brunch started as a way to hang out with my Internet geek girl friends in real life. Most of us are bloggers and we would talk to each other daily online for years but would only see each other at comic cons. After a few successful brunches with our circle of NYC friends, Rachel and Yissel and I wanted to open this up to other lady geeks in the form of a meetup group. Just like there is sexism in society, there is sexism in geek culture. There is still a “white boys club” aspect to geek culture. We wanted to create an environment where identifying geek girls can be themselves without fear of bigotry or

ridicule. The bottomless mimosas don’t hurt either [laughs].As more and more businesses get into the digital side of things the need to stay ahead of the curve is apparent. What are some ways you see Girl Gone Geek (or Geek Girl Industries) improving on the successes and standing out from the rest of the pack?

This year I decided to only write about

stuff you could find on my blog. So I’m going to continue to do just that and approach geek culture in an interesting and unique way. I’ve gotten really personal on my blog and talked about death and relationships. It took a lot of courage but it was worth it. I hope that revealing how geek culture impacted my life in personal ways can help others cope and relate. I’m going to continue to push myself as a writer and learn from my past experiences, which (I hope) will help me stand out from the rest naturally.

African Americans in nerd/geek culture are somewhat marginalized in the mainstream. What part do you see yourself and Girl Gone Geek playing in helping to spotlight influential participants within the culture?

We are most definitely marginalized in geek culture. Women of color have that twice as hard. It’s terrible that we have to fight not only racism but also sexism in both mainstream society and our beloved geek culture. I’ve been raised knowing the hardships I automatically face being a black and Hispanic woman, and don’t let it stop me from achieving my goals or being proud of who I am. I feel responsible as a blogger of color to voice the misrepresentation and underrepresentation of people of color and women of color in geek culture. I know I have this platform and if I can use it to help make a change for geeks of color I will.

There have been countless times where people don’t believe I love all this geek culture because I’m a black girl. It makes me feel like a unicorn. Like I’m a myth and I don’t exist. So I hope with Girl Gone Geek by simply being a black geek girl in the space will give voice to others. I always support my fellow geek bloggers of color whenever possible. We are all in this together. I also want my blog to show little black girls who love “Star Wars” that you are not alone. If you let someone stop you from loving geek culture, they are stopping you from being yourself.

To follow the latest and greatest antics of Jamila Rowser, please check out her Twitter, Instagram, and blog sites.




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