Jaden Smith Creates Free Vegan Food Truck and Serves Los Angeles Homeless – Black Enterprise

Jaden Smith Creates Free Vegan Food Truck and Serves Los Angeles Homeless

Jaden Smith, l love you restaurant, philanthropy
Jaden Smith, Founder, I Love You Restaurant (Image: Instagram)

We all know eating healthy comes at an exponential price but, what happens when you’re homeless and your basic food needs being met aren’t even an option? Jaden Smith wants to change that. He recently rolled out the I Love You Restaurant food truck to make vegan food accessible and free. His first stop, ‘Skid Row’ in downtown Los Angeles.

Smith added a quick post to his Instagram account stating, “@ILoveYouRestaurant Is A Movement That Is All About Giving People What They Deserve, Healthy, Vegan Food For Free. Today We Launched Our First One Day Food Truck Pop-Up in Downtown LA. Keep A Look Out Because This Is The First Of Many #JADENinc”

Folks chimed in all over the community wanting to help support the movement. @avantgardevegan wrote, “Thanks for this! I’d happily come and cook there if you need me,” with requests to volunteer coming from all across the United States.

Jaden Smith
I Love You Restaurant (Image: Instagram)


The meals included full vegan bowls with Smith’s signature JUST water, a product of his JUST goods company, which has quickly become a fan favorite amongst the boxed water community. Smith made it clear that his efforts will be recurring as he will host several pop-ups with no intention to monetize at this moment.


This isn’t Smith’s first philanthropic effort when it comes to giving back to the community. Earlier this year, Smith decided to take the Flint water crisis head-on by deploying a mobile water filtration system known as “The Water Box” that reduces lead and other potential contaminants to the Flint, Michigan, community. The 21-year-old’s JUST goods company collaborated with the First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church to design and engineer the system.


JUST is a group of prominent celebs, influencers, and change-makers who have come together to drive social and environmental impact through business. They are a group that rethinks the way they source, deliver, and consume everyday items. They combine for-profit energy and non-profit motives with the goal of offering products with an impact that are affordable. Smith’s parent’s Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith are also a part of the JUST community.

