Is Middle School Too Early to Start Preparing for College?

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This opinion piece was written by BE Smart Contributor Chelsea L. Dixon, M.S., M.A.T. For more about the author, see her bio at the end of this post.

In today’s increasingly technological world, more and more companies require their workers to possess diverse skill sets that are typically not developed solely by earning a high school diploma. There’s no doubt that for most people a college degree opens doors to greater opportunities.

But is middle school too early to start preparing for college?

[Related: These Organizations Make Sure Kids Not Only Go to College But Graduate]

Some people feel that it is. They believe that requiring children in sixth, seventh, or even eighth grade, to read extra books and study on weekends even if they have no homework, as some parents do, puts unnecessary pressure on these students. They also believe that involving children in numerous extracurricular activities like singing or acting, karate, and soccer, all at the same time, is too stressful.

Are such parents putting too many demands on their children? Should they just let them enjoy being kids?

Although some parents do go overboard, I do not believe that middle school is too early to start preparing for college. Early preparation–and some could argue that middle school is not early–is a positive thing. Reading extra books, magazines, and newspapers for fun helps to develop and expand a middle school student’s vocabulary, especially if he looks up the definitions of words he doesn’t understand. If this practice continues, the student’s vocabulary will expand, which will definitely come in handy when taking the SAT or ACT exams.

Participating in a variety of extracurricular school and community activities helps the middle school student figure out, sooner rather than later, the things she may be interested in. Granted, she may develop different interests by the time she gets to high school; however, if the student likes acting, why not have her join a local community theater group? If sports,

why not encourage her to play on a club, travel, or all-star team? If STEM, why not get involved in a local STEM or FIRST Robotics group? Colleges and universities like standout students that are well-rounded, because such well-roundedness indicates broad interests and diverse capabilities, in addition to academic strength.

Listed below are three additional ways students can begin to get on the pathway to college during their middle school years:

Speaking Up

The sooner young people learn to speak up and ask questions, the sooner they develop a sense of their own agency. Students who get into the habit of speaking up when they don’t understand a concept are more likely to take ownership of their learning. Teachers are there to help, making middle school a great time to learn to speak up and be assertive.

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Importance of Grades

The grades a student receives in middle school are also important. They

are seen as an indicator by teachers and guidance counselors of the type of student a middle-schooler may be in high school and the rigor of classes they may be able to handle. Striving to get high grades in middle school develops good study, listening, and teamwork habits that will work to students’ advantage when they are in high school.

Guidance Counselors

Once middle school students reach eighth grade, it is important that they meet with a guidance counselor to select the appropriate classes for ninth grade. It’s critical that the student get enrolled in college preparatory courses, such as English, mathematics, and natural and social sciences, which are structured to help prepare students academically for college. If the middle-schooler is seen as a strong student, the guidance counselor may suggest taking honors level or Advanced Placement courses in high school. If the counselor does not suggest AP classes, ask about them. Colleges and universities want to see high school students taking the most challenging courses.

The middle school years represent a great opportunity for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students to put themselves on the right pathway to college. It gives them the chance to develop the skills that will carry them through high school, college, and beyond.

Chelsea L. Dixon, M.S., M.A.T. is founder and CEO of GamePhox Unlimited L.L.C.  A motivational speaker who has lectured at various high schools, colleges, professional youth sport foundations, and youth groups, Dixon is the author of Bridging the Gap: A Simple Guide to College. She earned a B.A. in sociology from Boston College, an M.A.T. in secondary education from Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey) and an M.S. in sport management from the University of Massachusetts — Amherst. The proud New Jersey native is a member of the Ewing High School Athletic Hall of Fame and The Trenton Softball Hall of Fame. You can learn more about her at www.gamephox.com or www.bridgingthecollegegap.com.

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