Intel Releases Diversity Report upon Its CEO’s Rejection of Trump Council

Intel released its 2017 Mid-Year Diversity and Inclusion Report. The world’s largest computer chip maker made a 65% improvement in diversifying its workforce with an increase in women and Native Americans.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich (Image: Flickr.com)

However, overall representation gains with African Americans remained flat year-over-year. Intel’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, Barbara Whye, an African American woman, issued this statement:

Encouragingly, we’re seeing stable progress of female, Hispanic and Native American representation. However, we have more work to do in achieving full representation by African Americans in technical roles. We also know retention must remain a key focus.

Intel has launched several initiatives recently as part of its five-year commitment to achieve full representation of women and minorities at the company by year 2020

The report comes on the heels of Intel CEO Brian Krzanich’s announcement that he was leaving President Trump’s manufacturing council—a think tank comprised of the world’s most powerful business leaders.

Krzanich and other CEOs quit the council after the initial departure by Merck CEO, Kenneth C. Frazier


Frazier, quit the council after controversy arose on how the president handled the violent clashes and murder of a woman by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend. “As CEO of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism,” said Frazier via the Merck official Twitter account.

Krzanich also expressed his views on Intel’s site in a blog post:

Over the past two weeks, sharp debate – and, tragically, even violence – over issues of race and gender has reminded us that there is still so much work to do to build a society that abhors prejudice and values love over hate and equal opportunity for all. While these events have been painful to see, I ask each of you to join me in turning this tragedy into action, letting it serve as a reminder of how important it is for each of us to treat others with respect and to contribute to a diverse and inclusive workplace every day.
So how can we drive change? We can dedicate ourselves to creating a space where everyone feels included and respected. Technology companies have talked about diversity for years, but the data show that progress has been slow. In 2015, I challenged our company to step up and do more. It is not enough to say that we value diversity; we must make actual, real progress


Read Intel’s full 2017 Mid-Year Diversity and Inclusion Report.

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