Ice Cube Credits the Trump Administration For Discussing his ‘Contract with Black America’ While Biden’s Team Hasn’t Yet

(Image: Twitter)

O’Shea Jackson, better known as rapper/actor Ice Cube, entered the political discussion when he touted his ‘Contract with Black America’ back in July. He previously revealed “A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA: ADDRESSING RACIAL INEQUALITY” when the once-controversial rapper penned an ass="_e75a791d-denali-editor-page-rtfLink" href="https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/509563-with-an-energized-civil-rights-movement-on-the-streets-ice-cube" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">op-ed for The Hill.

Ice Cube is calling attention to police reform, reparations, and inequality within the halls of Hollywood.

Although Ice Cube hasn’t and didn’t endorse President Donald Trump, the speculation that he is Team Trump blew up on Twitter when

Trump Senior Advisor Katrina Pierson sent out this Tweet thanking the mercurial artist for his “willingness to step up and work with” the Trump administration.

Unbeknownst to many before the Tweet was sent, several days ago, Ice Cube released a video clip entitled, “DON’T KILL THE MESSENGER.”

In that clip, Cube expresses skepticism in both political parties based on neither one of them doing right by Blacks.

After news got out about the Tweet that Pierson sent, Cube took to Twitter again with a message that people didn’t know about the situation.

He didn’t stop there.

Also sending this Tweet out this morning:

It should also be mentioned that Cube gave a clue back in September.

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