How WBENC Helps Companies & Women-Owned Businesses

DiversityInc CEO Luke Visconti recently interviewed Pamela Eason, president and CEO of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), and a former Pfizer executive. Here’s her agenda for this important organization, which works with corporations to increase supplier diversity and helps women-owned businesses succeed.

Luke Visconti: WBENC held its National Conference & Business Fair in June. Can you tell us about the event?

Pamela Eason: The event featured a plethora of speakers who were really focused on benefitting the WBEs. It w

as very engaging, with workshops that addressed WBE skills, WBE needs, as well as corporate and government requirements for doing business. We had about 2,200 women, and total attendance was right about 4,000, so we were very excited.

Visconti: What does your organization help women to do in their business lives?

Eason: Overall as an organization, we have a CORE value that we provide: C is for the certification, O is for the opportunities that we provide, R is around the resources and E is engagement. However, for our event specifically, the opportunity aspect is very rich. If women do their research correctly for the

great businesses that are coming to our event, they can spend all their time prospecting at this event and not have to spend a lot of money to go around and prospect all year long. That’s a great value.

Read more at Diversity Inc

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