How to Invest in Emerging Markets [Infographic] – Black Enterprise

How to Invest in Emerging Markets [Infographic]

(Image: File)

Florida Tech to Host Webinar on Supply Chain Risk ManagementIf you’ve considered investing in an emerging market, you may not know how to get started or what to expect. If you’re not feeling as adventurous, and you’re hesitant to invest in an emerging market, know that emerging markets can expect two to three times as much growth as developed economies, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Click on this handy infographic by Timothy Sykes. And stay tuned for the April issue of Black Enterprise, where we talk to Quintin Primo about why he’s bullish on India.

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How to Analyze and Invest in an Emerging MarketHow to Analyze and Invest in an Emerging Market Infographic via Timothy Sykes
