How to Align Your Blog with a Big-Name Brand

Leave a lasting impression Brands will be scouting out your blog, so remember that first impressions are everything. Invest in having an aesthetically pleasing website. People tend to like the way things look and function. (It’s one of the many reasons Apple continues to thrive in the technology space.) Afterwards, make sure the quality of your interactions and content match your new creation.more
Consistency will seal the deal Bloggers, you want to make sure the brand you’d like to work with knows this is more than a hobby; hence, it starts with consistency. Create a content calendar. While you will have your franchise-styled content running regularly, be flexible as opportunities for impromptu stories always arise. If you are going to be traveling, schedule posts to go live in your absence. Brands want to know you’re not going to let the ball drop.more
Is the brand right for you? Black Blogger Month 2011’s Patrice Yursik, widely-known as Afrobella, provided a wealth of knowledge on this topic during the Blogging While Brown panel entitled “Next Level Sister Bloggers,” sponsored by BlogHer. "Look at the brands that align with your blog,” said the Chicago-based blogger. “Which brands fit in with your aesthetic? Which brand collaboration makes the most sense? Which brands do you like and use?" When asking yourself these questions, be honest. You know your audience and content best, so only you can make the final decision on what works for your brand. "Not every opportunity is the right opportunity," she reminded conference attendees. more
Be prepared It’s the big day and you’re about to meet with the brand of choice. You have a media kit, right? When approaching a well-established brand, they are expecting you to come correct with your analytics in order and media kit handy. "Be very clear on who you are, what your goal is, and who your audience is,” said Maria Niles, client services director at BlogHer. “And understand the value that you have, and [what] you can bring to your partners…understand the brand and who their audience is, what their message is, and how they are working to market themselves, so you understand if you fit with this brand." This information is crucial because it gives your soon-to-be partners a better sense of your audience, reach, and engagement. If your site’s metrics are low, highlight your social media engagement and reach. Don’t let those Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest posts go to waste!more
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