How I Used Form Beauty Technology to Transition From Straight to Curly – Black Enterprise
Technology Women

How I Used Form Beauty Technology to Transition From Straight to Curly

Form Beauty Hair Transition (Image: File)
Form Beauty Hair Transition (Image: File)

There is a massive natural hair community yet, many African American women still don’t know how to manage the natural textures of their hair. I must admit, growing up, I have had perms as far back as I can remember and when it became trendy to go natural I tried it and failed miserably.

Fast forward to 2014, I decided that I would not chemically process my hair anymore but I still wanted it to be straight. How Sway? I weaved it up for three years, taking it out for days at a time, and eventually, it grew to the bottom of my back. Peeps were so fascinated by how quickly it grew that I was invited to Paris to speak about it at the Natural Hair Academy.

One thing that I noticed immediately while in Paris was that everyone who was actually natural was curly natural, not straight natural but, how were they doing it? I had been researching natural hair for months, watching countless YouTube videos and came back with way too many options, and no solid answers.

One day, I came across Form Beauty, a new company started by Tristan Walker, founder of Walker and Co. They had been extremely successful revamping the razor in the men’s hair market with the Bevel that I thought surely they must know something about black women’s hair.

Form Beauty (Image: Walker and Company)
Form Beauty (Image: Walker and Co.)


Well, here is where it got interesting. I went to their site and went through a consultation that presented itself in the form of a survey that was extremely detailed. They asked me specifics regarding my hair. This was the first time that I’d seen technology integrated into the plethora of hair options on the market. After the survey was complete, I was presented with a customized list of products that were specific to my individual hair needs.

Immediately, I ordered. When the package arrived, all of the custom products were inside and I thought to myself, there are probably millions of women out there just like me, looking to take this journey and have no idea what they are doing, so I took it one step further and contacted Form Beauty, offering to document the process.

We decided to use my journey to not only show women how the technology works but to also show them how to execute once their specific customized Form Beauty hair regime arrives.

Check out the full transition, step-by-step in the video below:


