Hot Damn! Anita Baker Finally Owns Her Masters

Photo Courtesy of Instagram

The wait is over! R&B icon Anita Baker now owns the masters to her extensive catalog of music.

Baker announced the news via Twitter on September 3. In a pinned tweet with a photo of her albums, Baker wrote,

All My Children Are Coming Home. CatalogImpossible Things Happen…Every. Single.Day. Gratefully


And grateful her fans were regarding the update. They showed their love for the renowned singer in epic fashion.



Baker responded to fans in the comment section, writing, “U guys were rollin’ sO Deep & HawwwwwdT”


In March, Baker asked fans on social media to not purchase her music until she had the rights back to her catalog.

“Miraculously, I have out-lived *ALL, of my artist’s contracts. They no longer “Own,” My

Name & Likeness. And, by Law…30 yr old, Mstrs are 2B Returned, 2 Me. Unfortunately, They’re gonna make me Fight 4 it. I’m Prepared 2 do that. Please Don’t advertise/buy them ABXO,” she wrote on Twitter. 


Although the process was months long, it appears the “Sweet Love” singer is finally in control of her legacy and her masters.

And we are glad to see it. Which album are y’all streaming first?


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