Honoring Our Veterans: Babette Peyton, Gold Medalist Archer – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Honoring Our Veterans: Babette Peyton, Gold Medalist Archer

(Image: Babette Peyton)

Are you currently aiming for the 2016 Olympic Games? No, not yet. I’m not there yet. Right now I’m in contention for it, which means that I’m still trying to get ranked in the world so that I can get appointed to the team to go.

Have you faced any difficulties as an African American woman in archery?
Of course–you can look at the team and see. Let me just say it this way: archery, when you get to the Olympic level, there are very few of us. A lot of people in the African American community don’t even know how to get in the Olympics. That’s one of the things that I want to do. I want to team up with the people that do an Olympics awareness expo to identify different types of Olympics, and of course archery is the main sell, so that people can get a taste.

I think there are a lot of people within the African American community that would do so well in a lot of the sports, but they don’t even know they exist. They may see it on TV, but they don’t know how they can access it. Also, with the African American community–African American women in particular–there are not many athletes. Archery was one of the first Olympic sports that women participated in. However, African American women, I haven’t seen many. I can’t say the reason why, but I know you have to be able to raise a large amount of resources. It’s not a cheap venture.

What do you consider your greatest obstacle at this point in time?
My greatest obstacle right now is putting together a team and resources that will enable me to travel around the world to compete. While I’m doing that, I’m also looking for opportunities for public speaking, and maybe doing a little consulting. When I’m an Olympian, and it’s over, I want to have something to move into. Some things are accidents but some things you can plan to do. It doesn’t have to be real big, but just plan and do it. I thank God that I’m still here and I still have room to try new things.

What would you like BlackEnterprise.com readers to know about you or your mission?
First, that I’m God’s child with a billion dollar smile. If I can help somebody, then I do. Since I’m a veteran now, my focus has been on veterans and the Wounded Lady Warriors Project. We started last year because women veterans do not get the same kind of help. The outreach could be better and every GI is not a Joe. I want readers to know that I’m looking forward to have new boundaries expanded, I’m looking forward to partnering. I partner for everything that I do. If people have ideas, new projects, and they’re looking to partner, I can find a way. If I can’t partner with them, maybe I can help find the people to partner with them. I love Black Enterprise since you help us to move forward to improve the quality of our lives. If I could ever be a part of that, I would love to. I’m trying to expand my social life. It’s not as successful as I would like because I have to get out more.

The mission continues when you can encourage people by what you do and they’ll tell people, ‘Hey, did you see? She’s in a wheelchair [and] she’s doing this and that and you’re at home just complaining, not doing anything.’ I think that the little positive role model I can be, if I can say a kind word, or share a smile, I would love to do that. I want people to know that I’m a child of God with a billion dollar smile that might end up with a billion dollars or more in net worth.

Take your own stab at archery at the 2016 Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge, September 1st-4th, PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.  Register now. Follow #BEGT for news and updates.
