Hit the Slopes with Bravo TV’s New Luxury Travel Series “Après Ski” and Meet Cast Member Kendra Larkin – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
Lifestyle Travel and Leisure

Hit the Slopes with Bravo TV’s New Luxury Travel Series “Après Ski” and Meet Cast Member Kendra Larkin

(Image: Bravo TV)
(Image: BravoTV.com)

How did you learn to speak four languages? Did you enroll in an immersion program or are you self-taught?
I grew up speaking Spanish so I’ve spent my entire life practicing the language. I also lived in Barcelona after college in order to continue expanding my abilities in Spanish. While living in Barcelona, I began to learn French in the hopes of understanding Catalan better. Then I continued my French studies at NYU in postgraduate courses. During my undergraduate at NYU, I studied Mandarin and studied abroad at Nanjing University. I also moved to Beijing after living in Barcelona to continue practicing Mandarin. I’ve spent my whole life studying language and I’m looking forward to learning my fifth language!

How has your prior experience producing Fashion Week runway events prepared you for your current role as a VIP concierge at Gibbons Life?
Fashion week is a hectic time of year! You need to be able to manage constant moving parts in order to succeed in production. My career in fashion has prepared me for anything anyone can throw my way!

What advice  would you give someone who wants to transition from one career to another?
My advice is to go for it. Nothing ever stands in your way except for you. If you want to switch careers, start taking some courses to help you understand your new field better. Start presenting yourself as someone who works in that field because the way we speak is powerful and can shift your mindset. And of course, start taking opportunities to work in that field, big or small, you’ve got to start somewhere!

Please share your favorite travel destinations and activities.
There are so many gorgeous places in the world that it’s almost impossible to choose my favorite! However, a few of my favorite destinations are Thailand, Barcelona, and Holland. While in Thailand (and anywhere really), my favorite activity is diving. I’m a licensed diver so any chance I get to dive, I take it! Another fun activity while traveling is renting a bike and seeing the city for yourself like a local. And of course, shopping! I never leave a city without local clothing and artwork.

Are you ready for a sneak peek? If so, watch the preview on Bravo TV.
