Hillary Clinton Holds Super Tuesday Victory Rally in NYC

(Image: File)

On Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton delivered a labor-themed speech at a massive rally held in New York City’s Jacob Javitz Center.

[Related: How Blacks Voted on Super Tuesday]

With over 5,000 people in attendance, aides confirmed the rally as one of the campaign’s biggest events to date.

Fresh off her Super Tuesday victories, Clinton thanked her supporters before moving on to reaffirm her commitment to the labor movement. “Labor will always have a seat at the table when I’m in the White House,” Clinton proclaimed before a crowd of union supporters.

Addressing Republican efforts to weaken unions, Clinton promised attendees that she would continue to advocate for them: “As long as you are fighting for working families in America, I will be in the trenches fighting with you.”

In what appeared to be a thinly veiled swipe against rival candidate Bernie Sanders, Clinton stated she would not “over-promise.”

Clinton also devoted a big chunk of her speech to the xenophobic language emerging from certain Republican candidates. Taking a clear shot at Donald Trump, Clinton insisted that the “stakes have never been higher, and the rhetoric on the other side has never been lower.”

“We have to make America whole again. Instead of walls, we need to break down barriers,” Clinton stated, to thunderous applause.

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