Heal Thy Finances – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Heal Thy Finances

introduced Graham to fully funded life insurance retirement planning. He set up a life insurance policy for Graham where the primary benefit is the $1,000 premium payments that are placed into investment sub-accounts that will provide her with $1.6 million in tax-free retirement income, while her other tax-deferred assets continue to grow. The sub-accounts are allocated at 66% in American Growth and Income funds and 34% American Growth funds.

Graham now smiles with confidence: “I remember what it was like to live at, or above, my means. Now I live below my means, and I make out well. I’ve owned my own home since 2003.” The house, which sits on a half-acre of land, was purchased for $375,000 and is now valued at $410,000. For Graham, her best days are ahead.
