Have It Your Way… – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Have It Your Way…

4107, C-75, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590, or send an e-mail to airconsumer@ost.dot.gov. Consumers can also file online complaints with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission at https://rn.ftc.gov./dod/wsolcq$.start up?z_ORG_CODE=PUO1.

Other industry addresses can be found at www.pueblo.gsa.gov. Another option is to contact Call for Action Inc., (www.callforaction.org) a 39-year-old, nonprofit network of consumer hotlines that operates in conjunction with broadcast partners to educate and assist consumers and small businesses with consumer problems.

Stop support. Don’t continue to patronize a business that persistently gives poor service or resolves a complaint unsatisfactorily—and let the company know it. Too many consumers have become complacent and accept bad service. Studies show that for every 25 people who plan to log a complaint or offer feedback, only one ends up following through.
