Protect Your Rep: A Guide to Being a Solid Business Professional – Black Enterprise

Protect Your Rep: A Guide to Being a Solid Business Professional

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In the business world, your reputation can make or break you. Such an important piece of your business persona should be protected and nurtured. A bad reputation could mean the difference between landing your dream job or getting the boot. Madame Noire highlights seven things that should not be done—unless you want a bad reputation.

Making Excuses: Don’t make yourself a “work victim” by constantly coming up with excuses when things don’t get done. If you don’t have all the info you need to do your job, ask questions and find the answers, says Bennington.

Missing Deadlines: If colleagues and clients can’t count on you to meet deadlines, then you will be passed over for projects and increased responsibility.

Not Being Prepared For Meetings: According to Bennington, “too often people prep for meetings at the last minute, making them appear disorganized and, well, less-than-brilliant.”

Read more at Madame Noire
