#GT2012: How To Get Ready For Golf School

Rodney Green instructs a golfer. (Image: File)

Green (right) recommends light-colored, light weight golf apparel for lessons in sunny, hot climates such as in Miami. (Image: Courtesy of Rodney Green Golf)

Excitement is heating up for the 2012 edition of the one-of-kind business and recreational networking event, the Black Enterprise Pepsi Golf & Tennis Challenge, to be held Labor Day Weekend, August 30 through September 3 at Miami’s Doral Golf Resort & Spa. One of the major attractions this event, now in its 19th year, is the Golf Academy led by PGA Pro Rodney Green, the head pro at Innisbrook Golf Resort & Spa in Tampa, Florida, and the founder and CEO of Rodney Green Golf. Each year, Green teaches dozens of Challenge attendees who want to learn the fundamentals of the game, both for personal enjoyment as well for the advantages golf offers as the official sport of business.

“If you have ever thought about picking up a club, either again or for the first time, come join us at the Golf Academy,” Green urges. “Our instruction will cover all aspects of the game of golf so that you can make golf your sport of a lifetime.”

This year, those who attend the Golf Academy at the Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge can choose between two levels of instruction from Green and his trained staff of professionals. The beginner class, already an established offering at the event, is designed for those who have never played or play only occasionally, with a primary focus on the basic fundamentals of the golf swing.

New this year will be an advanced program. This new offering is “designed to teach you everything you’ll need to know to step onto a golf course and play with confidence,” Green explains. Lessons will include on-course activities guided by Green and his staff, who will make sure you have fun each step of the way.

So, what steps can you take prior to your first or next golf lessons to ensure that you get the most out of the instruction session? Green offers the following tips to help you get ready in the weeks prior to your lessons:

  • For lessons during the summer and/or in warm climates, buy a few light-colored golf outfits that are lightweight as well. (It is sure to get warm–I take that back, hot–in Miami at the Golf & Tennis Challenge during Labor Day weekend.)
  • If you are traveling to a resort or other destination for your lessons and you own your own clubs, one inexpensive way to transport them is to have them shipped prior to your arrival. It’s just one less thing you’ll have to check at the airport.
  • With any fitness program that you are currently on, be sure to incorporate extra core, cardio, and flexibility training.  These are key areas to improve your golf swing.
  • If you are doing the beginner class, buy a book or go online and study one thing: “The Grip.” I know you have heard it all before, but I can’t tell you how important it is to establish solid, basic fundamentals in your efforts to acquire a solid, repeatable golf swing.  In my estimation I would say that 85% of all the golfers I see (on all skill levels) have a bad grip.
  • My tip for intermediate golfers would revolve around club selection. Know how far you can hit each club in your bag. As we work on your course management skills, it will be imperative that you know what each club is capable of doing.

To learn more about the Black Enterprise/Pepsi Golf & Tennis Challenge and the Golf Academy package, call 800-209-7229 or visit http://archive2023.blackenterprise.com/gt.

Green’s Course Outline

Things we’ll cover at this year’s Golf Academy:

  • Proper etiquette on and off the course.
  • How to find your way around the golf facility and the golf course.
  • The role each club plays and when to play it.
  • How to keep score
  • Speed of play and being aware of other golfers on the course
  • Understanding the basic rules of golf.
  • Tips for playing in outings and scrambles
  • And much, much, more!!

Be sure to join us at the 2016 Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge, September 1-4, PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Register now.


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