#GT2012: Entrepreneur Aniesia Williams Takes Care of Business at The Challenge – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

#GT2012: Entrepreneur Aniesia Williams Takes Care of Business at The Challenge





Set. Match!




BE: Can you identify the most important things entrepreneurs, especially “lady bosses,” should be doing to get the most out of their Challenge experience?

Follow the #GT2012 hashtag and see who is going. Make those connections now. Follow them and say, “Hey are you going to the conference?” If you see like synergies you can ask them to lunch or dinner or see if there is a reception where you can connect with them. Send resumes to those you may know will be there if you are unemployed and you’re attending to look for a job lead. See who the sponsors are and make those connections early. I am a holistic researcher, so I suggest people do their homework before they even get there to set themselves up. Ask for invitations to receptions sponsors may be hosting. If you wait for someone to send you something you’ll be behind the curve. Connect with your boss ladies if you are a woman. If you are trying to play golf, follow @rodneygreengolf on Twitter and read about what you need to do to prepare.

Lastly, if you don’t have your gear you need to get it now. Be hot and fresh to death before you get down to Miami.

BE: What inspired you to name your company The Beleza Group Agency?

I am a very faith-based person. When I thought about naming the company, I wanted the name to mean something and not just be “Williams and Co.” for example. I wanted to put God in front of everything because I wanted the favor of God in every thing I did and to do His will. Beleza is from the Bible and it means “grace.” Every contact and contract that I have received this year has been because God has moved a mountain and that is where the name came from. I admire Roland Martin, whom I met through Rodney Green, and the fact that no matter what position he gets, he remains who he is. I knew I would do the same in naming my company and what I communicate on social networks.

Be sure to join us at the 2016 Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge, September 1-4, PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Register now.
