Green Power – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
Career Magazine

Green Power

Green Job Training and Certification Programs

U.S. Green Building Council
The council provides training and resources that prepare workers for the LEED Professional Accreditation exam. Credentialed professionals will be able to identify whether a green facility meets Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification standards.

The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners
The board offers solar thermal installer certification for contractors, foremen, supervisors, and journeymen.

Eco Institution L.L.C.
Eco Institution’s eco consultant certification is an auditing course that prepares individuals to assist and consult others in creating eco-friendly spaces, businesses, and products.

American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
The association’s rainwater harvesting professional accreditation course provides individuals with an in-depth understanding of rainwater catchment systems so they are informed enough to advise on the subject. An exam is required for accreditation.

GreenPlumbers USA
GreenPlumbers’ training is 32 hours of instruction for plumbers and other professionals in the industry about the newest energy-saving technologies in plumbing services, plumbing’s environmental impact, and implementing water conservation.

–Shahdai Richardson

Professional Organizations
The Global Wind Energy Council is a trade association that provides a forum for the wind energy sector at the international level. Its mission is to ensure that wind power is established as one of the world’s leading energy sources.

Social Venture Network’s mission is to inspire business and social leaders to build an equitable economy and sustainable planet. It provides forums, information, and initiatives that enable leaders to work together by sharing best practices that help companies generate healthy profits. It also offers programs that support the professional development of members.

African American Environmentalist Association is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the environment; enhancing human, animal, and plant ecologies; promoting the efficient use of natural resources; and increasing African American participation in the environmental movement. The association works to clean up neighborhoods by implementing toxics education, energy, water, and clean air programs. The group resolves environmental racism and injustice issues through practical environmental solutions.

American Association of Blacks in Energy is a national association of energy professionals dedicated to ensuring that African Americans and other minorities are involved in the discussions and developments of energy policies and regulations, research and development technologies, and environmental issues. The association also encourages African American students to pursue careers in energy-related fields and provides scholarships and other financial aid.

Green for All is a national organization that works to build an inclusive green economy that can lift people out of poverty. It collaborates with the business, government, labor, and grassroots communities to implement programs that increase jobs and opportunities in green industry.

National Association of Energy Service Companies promotes energy efficiency in various ways, including taking part in legislative proceedings that affect energy policy.

American Solar Energy Society is the nation’s leading organization of solar professionals and advocates. Its mission is to inspire energy innovation and hasten the transition to a sustainable energy economy.

The National Association of Environmental Professionals
is a multidisciplinary association that promotes ethical practices, technical competency, and professional standards in the environmental fields. Members have access to the most recent developments in environmental practices, research, technology, law, and policy.

Many states have their own renewable energy, green industry, and environmental associations.

This article originally appeared in the April 2010 issue of Black Enterprise magazine.

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