Giving This Holiday Season? Don’t Get Duped.

GuideStar, the database and website that vets and provides information on non-profit and charitable organizations, says that you can give confidently this holiday season by taking into account five simple steps.

“Do this before you open your checkbook, volunteer your time, or look at that letter from a charity,” wrote GuideStar. The tip?: Clarify your beliefs and preference.

GuideStar encourages its users to think about what

matters most to them. “The environment? Education? Hunger? Animal welfare? Helping sick children? Economic development? Think about where you want to make an impact. In your neighborhood? Region? The nation? Internationally?”

Another tip suggests donors consider if they want to give to a large or small charity, or a new or old one — but making sure they take into account its mission aligns with their vision.

Predictably (and perhaps most essentially), GuideStar advises checking out the charity’s description and verifying the legitimacy on one of its many platforms.

Read the rest of the GuideStar’s holiday giving tips here.

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