Girl What?! Candace Owens Wants The US to Invade Australia to ‘Free An Oppressed People’

Candace Owens (Image: Facebook)

Apparently, Candace Owens’s television show wasn’t getting enough attention, so she took to the airwaves and urged the American government to invade Australia.

The right-wing pundit and controversial commentator spoke on her self-titled show on Monday and explained why the US should go after Australia to free its people “suffering under a totalitarian regime.”

“When do we deploy troops to Australia? When do we invade Australia and free an oppressed people who are suffering under a totalitarian regime?” Owens asked. “When do we spend trillions of dollars to spread democracy in Australia?”

Owens commented while claiming the COVID-19 pandemic has put the planet into an “ideological and psychological” global warfare. She made mention of her family in Australia and claimed that “the mental state of everyone around her was in steep decline,” as noted by The Independent.

The staunch Donald Trump supporter also blasted Australia as a “tyrannical police state” where “its citizens are quite literally being imprisoned against their will.”

“We are watching a replay of the early ambitions of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez,” Owens said.

Right-wing attacks against Australia’s pandemic policies are nothing new. However, the country has done well with adopting government-supported health measures during the pandemic.

Of the 130,000 COVID cases in the country, there have been only 1,500 deaths compared to the US’s 730,000 deaths and 43 million cases, The Guardian


Owens once again became a trending topic, with many people mocking her for insinuating that Australia is a struggling country.

On Friday, Owens responded to reports of her saying the US should “invade” Australia and said her “in jest” rhetoric was purposely taken out of context.

Owens’ attacks against Australia’s COVID-19 restrictions are the same ideologies popular conservative politicians have made in recent weeks. Most recently, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz accused the Australian government of “Covid tyranny,” which he said was “disgraceful and sad.”

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