Getting The Word Out-Inexpensively – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Getting The Word Out-Inexpensively

desks, all of their materials, business cards, and stationery are designed to get people to go to the Website.

Increase your visibility. This can be done in several ways, including:

Developing a media list of reporters, editors, and publications that write to your niche audience. Anyone who has contact in any way with your public is your emissary.

Sending press releases anytime you win an award, develop an invention, attend a conference, or give a speech.

Tying current events or holidays into your business promotions and mentioning gifts or freebies.

Becoming the expert authority on your product or service to encourage potential clients to associate you with the product they need.

Sponsoring community events or traveling the lecture circuits to make your name or your business known.

If the masses are not aware of a product or service or do not feel comfortable about purchasing it, the company is doomed to fail. A solid marketing plan must be included with any business plan to ensure success.
