Get Up And Go: How to Motivate Yourself Before Work

Even though many of us are grateful to have gainful employment, sometimes it can be hard to muster the energy to get out of bed every morning. You get the case of the Monday blues or feel like your bed is so comfy, you don't want to leave it. Well, Madame Noire details some effective tips on how to boost your motivation and capture that up-and-at-em attitude that will lead to a productive and positive day.

Even though many of us are grateful to have gainful employment, sometimes it can be hard to muster the energy to get out of bed every morning. You get the case of the Monday blues or feel like your bed is so comfy, you don't want to leave it. Well, Madame Noire details some effective tips on how to boost your motivation and capture that up-and-at-em attitude that will lead to a productive and positive day.more
Go on a brisk walk/run before sunrise: You don’t have to be an exercise guru to know that walking is a healthy regimen, and great for physical endurance. Night owls can even reprogram themselves to wake up early as long as they get the recommended seven hours of sleep the night before. Ask your spouse or a friend to join you for a 30 minute to an hour walk, so you can start your day on the right foot. Even your child or dog can accompany you.more
Morning drink of choice: herbal tea or a hot latte: A drink of choice for the average working individual could be a cup of coffee laden with sugar and vanilla creamery, but other healthy refreshments like herbal tea, water or a hot latte may be better for those looking to fuel physically and mentally. Start the morning right with a newspaper to take with you on the go.more
Write out a to-do list: Not everyone has heightened memory functions, which is why it’s essential to keep an agenda to help you get through the day. It’s one less thing to worry about as you’re jotting down personal and professional tasks. It also helps in achieving goals in a timely fashion without having to feel like you’re at your wits end.more
Your muse can be an inspirational quote of the day, bible quote if you’re religious/spiritual or a favorite song: Some days, you may feel flustered over the things you need to get done. But even hard workers need a spiritual awakening to bring them back up to speed. You’ll be surprised how one’s inspirational quote, song or biblical message can transform your attitude. Get the full list on how to motivate yourself each work day at Madame Noire ... more
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