Get Time on Your Side – Black Enterprise

Get Time on Your Side

We all wish we had more time to develop a new idea, to work on a new project, even organize our desks more thoughtfully (Feng Shui anyone?). If you find yourself on the unwieldy treadmill of too much work, not enough time, you may want to browse Brian Tracy’s Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible (AMACOM; $24.95). By implementing his techniques, Tracy promises that you’ll learn more practical, “usable ideas, methods, strategies, and techniques for getting more done faster than you ever have before.”

Take, for example, “Six Steps to Effective Delegation,” found in Chapter 10, which can save a tremendous amount of time if done appropriately. The author first suggests you get the right person for the job. Whether you’re an employee or an employer, look at the past merits of the candidates and choose the one who did the task successfully. Also, be effective in communicating the specifics of the project, deadline, and expectations.

Or, in the same chapter, read “Seven Ways to Get More Done Each Day.” Tracy suggests you work smarter, do things you’re better at, and make fewer mistakes. For some of us implementing these tasks is easier said than done, but it’s certainly possible with a new mind-set. Read on to find more tips like these to help you do more, using less energy.

  • Work harder, not smarter. Yes, it’s actually possible to work harder than you did yesterday. How? Try concentrating on one project at a time. With that type of focus — free from distraction or interruption — you’re bound to get more done and get ahead of the pack in the process.
  • Reduce the mistakes. Take the time to do it right the first time. As the saying goes, “There is never enough time to do it right, but there is always enough time to do it over.” Even if it takes a little more effort and concentration on your part, it’s always better to take care of everything on the front end vs. getting caught in a bind on the back end.
  • Simplify the tasks. Does everything have to be a big deal? Not if you simplify the work by reducing the number of steps needed to complete the assignment. This will make the job a lot simpler and easier to manage.
  • Order your tasks. Typically, high-level tasks have a bigger payoff than low-level tasks. Try delegating tasks to others to maximize your output on assignments that you deem important.
