Get nine top-rated project management courses for just $34

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Behind every successful team is a project manager who makes things run as smoothly as possible. Team leads usually handle project management responsibilities, but learning these skills yourself will also make you a more efficient employee. Not to mention, they can lead to raises or higher-paying jobs. 

Most of us use project management skills that we learned through hands-on experience, but applying a strict methodology gives your team structure when approaching even the most difficult tasks. If that sounds interesting, then we recommend the 2021 Project & Product Manager Essentials Bundle, which is just $39.99.

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What you will learn 

The bundle delivers 11 hours of training on project management best practices that will help your teams deliver work as efficiently as possible. Agile is a popular framework that’s applied to methodologies such as Scrum, Lean, Kanban, and more. It will introduce you to Agile by illustrating the difference between projects. 

You can specialize in a methodology that best suits your team. Scrum is often used to manage software development teams. Scrum Master Training: Case Studies & Confessions will teach Agile Scrum principles such as the empirical process, control theory, and continuous improvement. 

Project management is a must-have skill, whether you’re a small business owner, a team lead, or even a regular employee. Each course in The 2021 Project & Product Manager Essentials Bundle retails for $199, but you can get all nine courses for $39.99.

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