Get Hired Now! – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

Get Hired Now!

temporary employee at an hourly rate with little or no benefits. Then if the employee performs at or above expectations, an offer for permanent employment might be extended.

Sample activities for employing recruiters & agencies

  • Register with selected agencies
  • Contact specialized recruiters
  • Send letters that describe your specific qualifications
  • Educate recruiters about your skills
  • Follow up consistently

Approach Contacting Potential Employers
The best way to make contact with potential employers is to place a phone call or send an e-mail, letter, or fax directly to a specific person at a place you wish to work. This approach helps you locate unadvertised job openings you would not find otherwise.
You need to direct your message to an individual — not a company, department, or job title. In your communication, you must demonstrate your ability to solve problems or create opportunities for the organization. The best contacts are executives or individual department managers. Much less effective is contacting an organization’s human resources department, because someone will typically only respond to you if the company already has an advertised position.

Sample activities for Contacting Potential Employers

  • Place warm calls to people you’ve met or to whom you’ve been referred
  • Place cold calls to people you don’t know
  • Send personal letters
  • Schedule informational interviews
  • Send job proposals that describe how you can help the organization
  • Research potential employers to tailor your approach
  • Make and write follow-up calls and letters

Approach Informational Interviewing
Informational interviewing is like what journalists do to get information for articles they are writing. You learn more about a company or industry in a non-threatening setting. You set up meetings like these not to interview for a job but rather to explore your interview subject’s industry, company, and opinions on the marketplace while mapping out your next career move.
A word of caution about informational interviewing: Don’t bait and switch the person with whom you are meeting and try to turn the encounter into a job interview. If your interview subject expresses interest in your qualifications and abilities, however, the door will be open for future discussions about working at the organization.

Sample activities for Informational Interviewing

  • Research industries, jobs, and employers
  • Place warm calls, cold calls, and write personal letters to set up meetings
  • Schedule meetings with people in any of these categories:
  • top executives
  • line managers
  • salespeople
  • clients and vendors of potential employers
  • recruiters and employment agencies, alumni of your school
  • Contact professional associations
  • Make and write follow-up calls and letters

Approach Searching Specialized Job Listings
Job listing services and Internet job boards offer a wide array of information about open positions. You’ll find positions listed with individual employers; state, county, or provincial employment departments; professional associations and networking groups; job fairs; career centers; and many other resources that serve specific communities.
The Internet is bursting with job listings and your time spent here n
eeds to
