Get Hired!: 10 Reasons Your Job Resume Is Being Ignored – Page 7 – Black Enterprise

Get Hired!: 10 Reasons Your Job Resume Is Being Ignored

Less is more. Overcrowded, unorganized, and hard-to-read resumes are likely to be placed at the bottom of the pile or moved into the trash bin on employers’ e-mail accounts. A well-formatted yet modest resume is more likely to get noticed than one with several fonts, overcrowding, confusing templates and inappropriate graphics. Your resume should be detailed yet concise while avoiding typical resume mistakes. Employers prefer easy-to-read resumes that clearly outline your skills and accomplishments.

The Missing Piece — One surefire way to have your resume ignored is to miss the instructions given on the job posting. Many job seekers forget to attach a cover letter or put the wrong verbiage in the subject field. When there are specific instructions on what documents should be submitted or how they should be submitted, be sure to carefully follow every direction. This again is an opportunity to show a potential employer that you pay attention to detail.
