Georgia Mother of 5 Left Tech Job and Launched Kombucha Business

(Image Credit: Instagram/kemboocha)

When Kemiko Lawrence discovered the powerful benefits of Kombucha, she knew she had to share it with her family. But paying $7.00 per bottle as a wife and mother of five children was not a feasible option. Lawrence did her research, started making it for her family, and sold it to people in her network.

Now, the Georgia resident has been brewing kombucha for over a decade. She developed her own brand called kemboocha which incorporates her name into the brand.

“I looked up the benefits of kombucha and saw that it had actually been around for thousands of years,” Kemiko shared with Travel Noire. “It has only begun to hit mainstream markets in the Western Hemisphere in the last 10-15 years.”

From Tech Career to Wellness Advocate

Lawrence was born and raised in New York. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services from Bernard Baruch College. Then, she immediately started her career in a technical training program at a Fortune 500 company. Lawrence worked in all aspects of IT including full tech support and computer program.

The young tech leader loved the parts of her job that allowed her to educate, teach, and support. It was an extension of who she was. But there were days when being a working mother in a high-stress environment would take its toll on her. That’s when Lawrence’s husband recommended she try yoga to relieve stress. She fell in love with the feeling of rest and used it as a way to maintain calm in the midst of chaos.

After having her third child, Lawrence was laid off from her corporate job. She continued to pursue her passion in the health and wellness space, earning her yoga certification and becoming an instructor. Then, she created Harmony Wellness Angels and added Kemboocha to her brand.

The Making of a Kombucha Brand

Kombucha has been around for a long time. But it may not be as popular in certain parts of the country unless you’re in the health and wellness community. It’s a fermented tea with a slightly sweet and tart taste. It’s a powerful drink that can kill bacteria and possibly reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Lawrence discovered Kombucha while grocery shopping in Nashville. After reading the labels, her curiosity led her to purchase her first bottle. She learned how to make the living probiotic for her family. Soon, she started receiving requests from others and started selling bottles online.

“Teaching yoga & creating Kemboocha™ are my gifts of service,” Lawrence shared in a post on Instagram.

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