Georgia Couple Files Suit After their Baby Was Allegedly Decapitated During Delivery – Black Enterprise

Georgia Couple Files Suit After their Baby Was Allegedly Decapitated During Delivery

Lawsuit, delivery, Decapitating, baby
(Image: iStock)

A doctor in Georgia is being accused of turning a baby delivery into a gruesome experience.

In a lawsuit filed by the child’s mother and father, Jessica Ross and Treveon Isaiah Taylor Sr., the couple claims the doctor used too much force during delivery and decapitated their baby, ABC News reports.

The suit lists Dr. Tracey St. Julian and Southern Regional Medical Center, where the incident took place. Ross and Taylor are suing for gross negligence, fraud, and intentional infliction of emotional distress while seeking unspecified punitive damages.

“They were so excited about the birth of their first child,” their attorney Cory Lynch said in a press conference. “Unfortunately, their dreams and hopes turned into a nightmare that was covered up by Southern Regional Medical Center.”


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Allegedly, the baby got stuck during delivery and St. Julian delayed a surgical procedure to assist and failed to get immediate help. The suit claims she applied “ridiculously excessive force” on the baby’s head and neck to deliver it. Almost three hours later, St. Julian took the first-time mother in for a cesarean section but by then, a fetal monitor had stopped registering a heartbeat.

The cesarean section removed the baby’s legs and body, but the head was delivered vaginally, according to attorney Roderick Edmond. The couple initially asked for a c-section that they believe would have ultimately saved the baby’s life.

Southern Regional released a statement saying it can’t discuss the patient treatment due to privacy laws but sent “heartfelt thoughts and prayers,” according to the Associated Press.

The hospital later admitted that St. Julian was not an employee of the hospital and said it won’t elaborate  if the board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist was part of a health care group called Premier Women’s Obgyn that has two locations.

Attorneys also accuse the hospital staff of trying to cover up the decapitation by discouraging the couple from getting an autopsy. They instead pushed for their child to be cremated, wrapping and propping his body to make it appear that the head was attached.

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