Inside the Health and Fitness Regimen of BET’s 106 & Park, Free – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Inside the Health and Fitness Regimen of BET’s 106 & Park, Free

Free posing in a striped jumpsuit

Free posing in a striped jumpsuitA little over 10 years ago, urban America fell in love with the beautiful spirit and to-die-for body of BET 106 & Park’s former host, Free. She and her co-host AJ interviewed anyone who was anyone in the entertainment world, capturing the attention of millions of viewers and landing Free the cover of King Magazine.

Before the days of BET, Free was a Manager of Information Systems. After BET, she has been a radio personality, speaking at colleges across the country and working on TV shows with her production company Roxbury Bean Productions. Despite this hectic schedule, Ms. Free still manages to find time to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Free loves mixing up her workouts to keep them fun, fresh and to keep from getting bored. She states, “Boxing is amazing and gets the stress out at the same time. Hitting things works!” Free also enjoys the challenge of bootcamps and anything outdoors like hiking, walking, and running. She practices Bikram Yoga and mentions how amazing it is for flexibility and strength. “It’s 90 degrees in the room so be prepared for the sweat,” she warns.

Eating clean on the go takes effort. Free says that the only way it works for her is if she plans ahead. “If I know I’ll be out all day it’s a must to pack applesauce, celery, cranberries, salsa and other healthy snacks,” she says. If she cooks dinner the night before, she’ll take some leftovers for the next day’s lunch and may even stop at the corner store for an orange or apple. Free has made it a point for many years to drink lots of water and learned a long time ago how important water was to a healthy body. She adds that when she needs a little fizz, she will use seltzer water and mix it with a little cranberry juice.
