Freedom Through Entrepreneurship – Black Enterprise

Freedom Through Entrepreneurship

When Rohan Hall founded vConcepts in 1996, he opened up a new world for himself. In the 10 years prior to his becoming an entrepreneur, he spent much of his time developing specialized software applications for multinational corporations like Hewlett-Packard and Honda. He also did some work for Lockheed Martin while employed by a consulting firm. Now, through vConcepts, Hall builds global software systems and provides technical solutions for his clients. And as the owner of his Sparks, Nevada-based firm, the 41-year-old Jamaican immigrant reaps a higher financial reward for his expertise.

“I got tired of working for others,” Hall confesses. “When I worked for the consulting firm, I saw that they got a lot of money for work that I did. The decision to start my own company was a financial one — there was an opportunity to make money for myself.”

As an entrepreneur, Hall averages about $300,000 annually with vConcepts. His latest entrepreneurial venture, Eye Contact Media, a publishing company he founded two years ago, earned him an additional $150,000 last year. Hall has no full-time employees, but hires consultants as necessary to help run his two companies. Among the titles Eye Contact Media has published is Stop Working, Hall’s own book, which teaches entrepreneurs how to build global organizations through strategic relationships and networking.

“The difference between being an employee and a business owner is dramatic,” says Hall. “Your level of financial and personal independence is amazing. You can live a good life as an employee, but you won’t find financial and personal freedom until you are a business owner and the owner of your destiny.”

Now that he has started his own businesses and is reaping the benefits, Hall has become committed to helping others realize their entrepreneurial goals, embracing Declaration of Financial Empowerment principle No. 8: to support the creation and growth of profitable, competitive black-owned enterprises.

Hall is currently working to establish a Nevada chapter of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. As its founder and president, he will help the organization provide support to black businesses. In the meantime, he is helping friends and family establish their own businesses.

For the last 20 years, Hall’s parents have owned a machine shop in Florida. “I encouraged them to get a Website and to get corporate e-mail,” says Hall. “I got them their first computer and taught them how to use it, and gave them basic financial software. I also got them to start bidding on government contracts so they can get larger, better business.”

Hall also encourages his two younger brothers to learn business skills in corporate America, then establish their own business. “They are both into real estate, mortgages, and financing,” Hall says proudly. “My family is very entrepreneurial, and I am always available, whether they need help with structuring a business, guidance with networking issues, or financing — whatever may be the case. I do the same for my friends.”

Hall often does technology trouble-shooting for his friends’ businesses, or helps put up Websites. “Because I happen to be in
