Four Business Powerhouses Unite To Share Their Stories In Light Of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

(Image Women Who Thrive)

Twenty people per minute are physically abused by a partner in the United States, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

For domestic violence awareness month, which is the month of October, four business powerhouses are joining forces to share their stories to highlight this issue that many women and men deal with, often in silence.

On October 16, Ellie Diop, Arnita Johnson-Hall, Koereyelle Dubose, and Tonya Rapley will have a live discussion in Atlanta at The Women Who Thrive: Rebuilding After Abuse event in Atlanta, Georgia. It will be live-streamed on Youtube  to show women worldwide what is possible on the other side of abuse.

This collaborative effort by thriving women in the Black community shows that domestic violence does not have a face. Many people fall into abuse because they don’t know enough about how to identify the early signs. By coming together, the women hope to save women from experiencing abuse and give others the strength to walk away from abusive relationships.

Ellie Diop

Image credit: Abiel Kelly

Ellie Diop, the event host, is a business coach. She’s the Founder of the Ellievated agency and the woman behind the social media platform “Ellie Talks Money.” She’s a mother of four who used her stimulus check to build a multiple seven-figure business after being laid off from her corporate job.

During an interview with BLACK ENTERPRISE, Diop shared why she decided to put resources behind this event. “When you’re in an abusive relationship, whether it’s physical, mental, or financial abuse, you begin to question your worth and what you’re capable of. I want women to know that someone’s treatment of you is not a reflection of who you are and what you deserve,” Diop said. “You can still rebuild and become successful even after someone has done everything that they can to tear you down. You have the power to determine what your future looks like,” she added.

Arnita Johnson-Hall
Image credit: Marrica Calahan

Arnita Johnson-Hall is a credit expert and the Founder of AMB Credit and Luxurious Credit. She’s a mother of five and the owner of multiple thriving businesses. In a recent Business Insider article, Johnson-Hall alludes to her story as a domestic violence survivor and how the darkest time of her life gave her the strength to change her financial circumstances. 

 “Sometimes, we don’t share because we feel alone or that no one can relate. I’m blessed to be alive to share my story. I’m hoping that it will save someone and give them strength to overcome,” Johnson-Hall told Black Enterprise.

Koereyelle Dubose

Image credit: Shots By Priiincesss

Koereyelle Dubose is an empowerment powerhouse on a mission to connect women of color to the resources they need to save themselves and live the life of their dreams. She is the Founder of the online trade school, WERK University


When asked why she decided to be part of the event, here’s what Dubose told Black Enterprise.

“I’m always willing to share my experience because I know that someone else’s life can change just by sharing my story. Sometimes when we go through things, we blame ourselves because we don’t know anyone else who has been in similar situations. So I am open to every opportunity that allows me to share the pain that led to my purpose.”

Tonya Rapley

Image credit: Jordyn Ari

Tonya Rapley is a millennial money expert, best-selling author, and the creator of the award-winning site My Fab Finance. In 2014, Rapley was deemed the “New Face of Wealth Building” by Black Enterprise Magazine. After leaving an abusive relationship and spending years rebuilding her finances, Rapley founded My Fab Finance and has since helped thousands of women improve their finances.

“I think the culture needs to see our faces because they have a stereotype about what a survivor looks like. They also need to see what it can look like on the other side of abuse,” Rapley told BLACK ENTERPRISE


Domestic abuse is such a widespread issue. One-third of all women and 40% of Black women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. These business powerhouses are sending such a powerful message to young girls and women worldwide by uniting to highlight such an important issue.

For more information about domestic violence, whether you are in an abusive relationship or want to help someone who is, visit www.thehotline.org.

Anne-Lyse Wealth is a Writer, Wealth Educator, and Certified Public Accountant. She is the founder of Plutus Awards nominated Dreamoflegacy.com, a platform dedicated to inspiring millennials to build wealth with purpose.

Anne-Lyse is the author of “Dream of Legacy, Raising Strong and Financially Secure Black Kids” and the host of The Dreamers Podcast


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