Former President Barack Obama To Hold Virtual Fundraiser For Joe Biden – Black Enterprise

Former President Barack Obama To Hold Virtual Fundraiser For Joe Biden

obama biden
(image: Verizon media player)

Former President Barack Obama will join his former Vice President Joe Biden for a joint virtual fundraiser slated for next week.

According to the Associated Press, Biden announced on Twitter the event will take place June 23 and will mark the first time the two have appeared together since Obama endorsed him in April. Biden’s tweet also includes to a link to a form for those who want to ask both men a question.

The fundraising announcement came hours after Biden said his campaign and associated Democratic groups had raised $81 million in May, his strongest fundraising take since he announced he was running.

Several of the former VP’s primary opponents have been holding fundraisers to gather the Democratic Party together to battle President Trump. Kamala Harris held a fundraiser June 9 that netted $2 million. A fundraiser by Senator Elizabeth Warren Monday netted $6 million, making it the most successful fundraiser for Biden to date.

“Thank you for asking your friends to help me out. It’s the biggest fundraiser we’ve ever had. And it’s all because of you,” Biden told Warren on Monday, according to the pool report for the event.

Warren and Harris are currently being vetted as potential vice presidential candidates. A CBS News poll, released last month, showed Democratic voters strongly support Warren for vice president (36%) almost two-to-one over Harris (19%), followed by former Georgia State Representative Stacey Abrams (14%), and Senator Amy Klobuchar (13%).

Many activists have been pushing Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate, including House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), who many credit with Biden’s surge in the South during the Democratic primary.

Biden has not committed to picking a Black woman for vice president, but has committed to selecting a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

The Hill reported Wednesday that the former vice president’s lead in the polls had increased to 13 points. The Detroit Free Press reported on Tuesday morning that Biden now has a 16-point lead in Michigan.

