Former Morehouse Student Bryce Thompson Launches Scholarship Fund For HBCU Students

(Image: Bryce Thompson)

A former Morehouse College student has launched a scholarship fund and has awarded 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) students with money to help ease the financial burden of attending college.

24-year-old entrepreneur, investor, and former Morehouse

student Bryce Thompson has announced that, along with his IAMS Foundation and getting support from the Scholly app, he has awarded $100,000 in scholarships to 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) students to kick off Black History Month.

“I know what it feels like to not know whether you’re going to be able to register for the next semester,” says Thompson, who studied engineering while at Morehouse, in a written statement. “So, to now be in a position to ensure that at least 10 students will be able further their education is an incredible blessing and honor.”

The scholarship search had been launched in the fall of last year with the mission of helping “ease the financial burden of college tuition amid the negative impacts of a global pandemic, racial violence, and skyrocketing unemployment.”

The team had received hundreds of applications and 10 students were selected and awarded with the scholarships with a surprise hometown visit by Thompson himself.

The scholarship winners are Jalen Robinson (Morehouse), Tate Toole (Morehouse), Robert Pinkney (Morehouse), Je’Von James Tone (Texas Southern University), Miles Smith (Bethune-Cooke University), Kaleb Perkins (Livingstone College), Daisha Green (Philander Smith College), Taylor Helton (Prairie View A&M University), Ms. Jordan James (Hampton University) and Lindsay Collins (Howard University).

“I am a testament to how giving back can change the trajectory of one’s life,” Thompson says. “If it were not for my uncle’s generosity, I wouldn’t have been able to attend Morehouse and develop a network of like-minded individuals who would go on to become my business partners. Investing in my community will always be one of the smartest, most valuable business decisions I’ll ever make.”

You can learn more about Bryce Thompson, you can visit www.brycethompsonofficial.com or check him out on Instagram: www.instagram.com/bthompsonofficial.

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