6 Former BE Kidpreneur and Teenpreneur Attendees Discuss the Importance of Teaching Youth Entrepreneurship – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

6 Former BE Kidpreneur and Teenpreneur Attendees Discuss the Importance of Teaching Youth Entrepreneurship

(Image: File)

(Image: File)

Jason Acquaye

Jason Acquaye attended both the Kidpreneur and Teenpreneur programs from 1995 through 2001, and went on to study business administration at Wilkes University. Currently, he is in charge of branding and marketing for up-and-coming artist King Saladeen, who is making huge waves in the art world. Through a partnership with Precision Concierge, Saladeen has done collaborations with several brands, including Jordan, Art Basel, Lamborghini, Hermes, and Moet Hennessy/Louis Vuitton. Acquaye met Saladeen through a mutual friend and was so impressed with the artist that he decided to pursue a partnership. “It all began with networking, because I had something to offer,” he explains. “I realized he [Saladeen] had a talent that the world needed to see, I was gonna do anything in my power to make that happen.” Acquaye was heavily affected by his experiences in the Kidpreneur/Teenpreneur programs, saying that they “are largely responsible for who he is today,” and influenced the way he navigates his current position, particularly the importance of networking and recognizing your skill set. The professionals who lead the workshops were also a huge inspiration for Acquaye: “I still remember who taught those classes and their decision to go against the grain and become entrepreneurs.”
