Former Apple Executive to Take Over Google Glass

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Known as “Father of the Ipod” former Apple executive Tony Faddell is now taking the reins of Google Glass. According to the Wall Street Journal, while the current Glass Chief Ivy Ross will remain as the team’s manager, he will work under Faddell, who was brought in to lend strategic guidance to the ongoing project. While Fadell will continue to lead his other company, Nest, which he co-founded and sold to Google in 2014, he will be in charge of turning around and fixing up Google Glass.

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The developer kits will still be available, but the current program, Glass Explorer, will no longer exist. Along with other major changes, Google is also planning on taking an approach similar to Apple’s. The hype and talk around Google Glass was explosive, but the finished product has not been much of a success. Consumers don’t understand the need for it. With all the wearable technology coming out this year, it remains to be seen whether or not Glass will make the cut.

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