Former Amazon Executive Alicia Boler-Davis Named New CEO Of Alto Pharmacy

(Photo: Alto Pharmacy)

A former Amazon senior leader was named the new CEO of Alto Pharmacy, according to a June 30th press release. Alicia Boler-Davis will take the reins as CEO of the company beginning on September 1. Her departure from Amazon was announced in June. 


The new CEO spent 25 years at General Motors before working for Amazon as the Senior Vice President of Global Customer Fulfillment. In a press release from Alto Pharmacy, Davis noted the lack of access to prescription medications in the community.  

“I have seen first-hand that lack of access to prescriptions and medical non-compliance can cause health to deteriorate, especially in elderly or immunocompromised people,” she said.

“Alto addresses this holistically and improves health outcomes for its customers through preventative care and easy access to quality treatments.” 

Davis went on to say that she was proud to join a company that is not only in the business of delivering prescriptions but also improving health. “Alto is in the business of improving health, not just fulfilling and delivering prescriptions. I am proud to join Matt and Jamie and lead Alto on its mission to improve the pharmacy experience for everyone.” 

Alicia received her bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in chemical engineering before earning a master’s degree in engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Davis also earned an MBA from Indiana University and received an honorary doctorate of engineering from Rensselaer. She

was named as one of The Most Powerful Female Engineers by Business Insider in 2018 and in 2021, Davis was also named as one of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women. 

The co-founder and co-CEO of Alto Pharmacy Jamie Karraker said that Davis has proven she’s the person for the job.


“What we’ve tried to create at Alto is a company in healthcare that is both financially successful AND truly cares about the humans we serve and help every day. It takes a very unique combination of skills to do that, but Alicia has proven that’s who she is.” 

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