There is no comfort in knowing you could lose your home, in which you’ve made many memories, because of financial difficulty. According to RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for foreclosure properties, foreclosure filings – default notices, scheduled foreclosure auctions and bank repossessions – were reported on 332,292 U.S. properties in October, up nearly 19% from that time last year. One in 385 U.S. homes received a foreclosure filing that month.
Since the highly publicized foreclosure woes of Evander Holyfield and Michael Jackson, more celebrities have joined the thousands of homeowners hit by financial strain of a weakened economy.
Janell Hazelwood
Janell Hazelwood is associate managing editor at Black Enterprise, managing content across core areas of Money, Career, Small Business and Technology. She is also a featured blogger with My Two Cents, providing insights on branding, millennial career development, employment trends and leadership. She was previously a content producer and copy editor for Black Enterprise magazine, working across several editorial sections. The Hampton University graduate got her start in the newspaper industry, having worked for companies including The New York Times and Scripps Howard News Service. Her works and insights have appeared on The Huffington Post, MadameNoire, E!Online, Brazen Careerist, CBS News, and Arise TV.