Smart Eats: 3 Fruits That Boost Your Brain Power – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Smart Eats: 3 Fruits That Boost Your Brain Power

(Image: Thinkstock)
(Image: Thinkstock)

There are some great health benefits to these three fruits. Along with many vitamins and minerals, they also help your brain. Indulge freely and know you are getting smarter with every chew.

Berries: With many vitamins and antioxidant properties, berries are also known to boost brain power. Researchers have shown that the polyphenolics in berries play an important role in helping microglia, the brain’s housekeeping cells. This is known to remove and recycle harmful biochemical debris off the brain.

Banana: Due to its high volume of B vitamins this food is known to suppress homocysteine an amino acid that is linked to brain shrinkage and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. Banana’s also have a wonderful source of magnesium. This mineral helps facilitate the electrical activity between the nerve cells in your brain.

Avocado: Another food packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin E all of these vitamins help the reduction of developing Alzheimer’s.

What is your favorite brain food?

Yvelette Stines ( is an award-winning writer whose work has been published in Essence, Uptown, Heart and Soul, Jones, Hispanic Executive Quarterly, and Green Build + Design, just to name a few. Her book Vernon the Vegetable Man encourages children to choose healthy lifestyle habits. Stines’ blog Calming Corners ( motivates readers to live a calm and healthy lifestyle. You can find her calmly playing on social media @yvelettestines and @calmingcorners.
