5 Motivational STEM Videos For Your Kids To Watch

(Image: Black Girls Code)

(Image: Black Girls Code)

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Using this hands-on-approach, you can inspire kids to see the world beyond their environment.  From a young girl creating an app to help kids deal with bullying to another young innovator debugging a robot at IBM watch these five motivational videos to get your kids excited about opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

[Related: President Obama Announces Over $240 Million Pledge for STEM Education]

Potential Of Us:

The #PotentialofUs initiative is a Verizon campaign dedicated to helping young innovators celebrate and create history. Watch 6, eighth graders at the Bronx Academy of Promise talk about winning the Verizon Innovative App Challenge and expanding their dreams into the science, technology and engineering fields.


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Girls Around the World Use Technology to Address Access to Safe Spaces: #HACKGIRLSRIGHTS

Co-produced by Global Fund for Women and GlobalGirl Media, this video follows girls in five international cities as they #hackgirlsrights

by creating innovative mobile- and web-based solutions to a critical issues facing women and girls – access to safe spaces. “I remember a boy in my computer class told me “I couldn’t be a CEO of Apple because I was a girl.” As a girl you’re kind of used to growing up with these statements.”

Educate to Innovate: The Third Annual White House Science Fair

This video takes you behind the scenes of one of President Barack Obama’s favorite events of the year–The Annual White House Science Fair. “One

of the things that I’ve been focused on as President is how we create an all-hands-on-deck approach to science, technology, engineering, and math… We need to make this a priority to train an army of new teachers in these subject areas, and to make sure that all of us as a country are lifting up these subjects for the respect that they deserve,” said President Obama during a White House briefing.

Black Girls Code: The Series Part 1

Black girls code, one of the very first movements dedicated to helping girls succeed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, created a series of videos designed to inspire students, administrators and parents.

Black Girls Code: The Series Part 2


In this second series of unique videos produced by Black Girls code, you’ll hear directly from students, administrators and parents talk about the challenge of gaining access to opportunities in South Florida.

Do you know of any motivational STEM videos for kids? If so, share your video links in the comments section below.

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