5 Easy Ways to Go Green for a Cause – Black Enterprise

5 Easy Ways to Go Green for a Cause

In 2009, 5,200 events took place for the International Day of Climate Action. In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia organizers say 20,000 people gathered for a 350.0rg rally.

In Harlem, they will be painting roofs white.  In Sydney, Australia, they will “Keep it Wheel,” and in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, the theme is “I-Green, U-Green — We Clean.”  So what plans do you have for 10/10/10?

On October 10, 2010, groups and organizations across the world are planning a “Global Work Party” to raise awareness on global climate change.  The international organization 350.org has rolled out a global campaign to encourage people across the world to simultaneously take action on 10/10/10 by working on projects in their communities that can cut carbon and build a clean energy future.  The campaign’s efforts have even encouraged the White House to take action. In fact, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced Monday plans to install solar panels and a solar hot water heater on the roof of the White House residence.

Here are five easy ways you can join the Global Work Party on 10/10/10:

Change light bulbs
Your contribution does not have to be labor intensive or include hundreds of participants.  You and your family can decide on simple actions that will take only a few minutes of your time.  More than 2.6 million people have taken the ENERGY STAR pledge to change light bulbs and make other small energy-saving life adjustments.

Seal and insulate your home
As winter approaches, many of us will be searching for ways to save energy and ultimately reduce costs.  Sealing and insulating your home is often the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR provides a DIY guide to sealing and insulating your home.

Organize a tree planting
Planting trees can be great fun and good exercise for all ages.  Trees not only beautify communities, but also provide important shade and windbreaks that help reduce energy costs. If you organize a tree planting, be sure to check with local horticulturists or forestry experts to ensure that you are planting the right kind of tree for the environment you’re in.

Plan a bike ride
In the United States, transportation accounts for about 2/3 of all oil use.  Fewer vehicles on the road would greatly reduce our energy use and help to increase our energy security by combating our dependency on oil.  Get a group of friends together and plan a bike ride through the community, or plan to use only your bike as transportation on 10/10/10.

Join the conversation
Taking the initiative to learn more about energy responsibility and security is also a good way to actively join the Global Work Party.  Take a few minutes to read our BEing Green and Green Insider articles, or conduct your own research on ways to cut carbon emissions and build a cleaner energy future.

Tell us what you think: What will you do to conserve energy on 10/10/10? Share your thoughts and register for a chance to attend the Black Enterprise + Shell Energy Forum on November 8, 2010.  You can also follow us on Twitter to get updated information on the event.
