#FitnessFriday – 5 Tips for an Easy Active Weekend – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

#FitnessFriday – 5 Tips for an Easy Active Weekend

(Image: iStock.com/Squaredpixels)
(Image: iStock.com/Squaredpixels)

It’s FINALLY Friday! This means it’s time to release the hectic workweek as you settle in to a weekend of relaxation, fun, and fitness.

You’re probably thinking that relaxation, fitness, and fun all sound like major contradictions, but when done the right way, these things can blend together just right. Here’s how you do it.

  1. Get out of the house. This is already turning you off as you’ve likely pre-planned a weekend of lounging, TV binge-watching, and as much minimal activity as possible. You can still have exactly that–after you get back home. If only for an half hour, go outside and take a walk. This won’t only nurture the body, but it also works wonders for clearing the mind. Stroll on.
  1. Play catch. Plan a quick picnic at the park with a few friends and take a ball along with you. Spread out and play a game of catch. If you lack catching skills, even better. This will force you to chase the ball down when it passes you about 20 yards causing you to get in an ample workout.
  1. Yoga. Find a studio near you if you prefer the shared energy of yogis around you as you flow into Downward Dog. If your mission is to keep the weekend as simple as possible, crack open your laptop and find a YouTube video that best accommodates the time you have to spend and the exertion level you prefer. There are tons of videos out there, you just have to find your fix.
  1. Watch television. You’re wondering what about watching television is active but you are not considering what you can be doing while watching–squats! Watch an hour-long show, or a few, and challenge yourself to squat during each commercial break. You can stay right there, in front of the couch, to help with form, so when it’s commercial time you just stand right up and get to squatting. Easy peasy.
  1. Stretch. If you had no plans on leaving the bed this weekend, that doesn’t necessarily have to change. You can stay put while still being active via stretching. Spread your limbs, touch your toes, bend your body, and get your stretch on. Just think–following the deep relaxation that comes with stretching you won’t even have to go anywhere to get a nap. Win-win.

Simple enough? Be easy and get active. Enjoy your weekend!
