Fighting Off Green Fatigue – Black Enterprise

Fighting Off Green Fatigue

Green. Green. Green. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling you how to green you car, your home, your job, your office, your commute — or suggesting that you should start a green business. It is enough to give a person green fatigue on this, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.

But despite all the green talk, the harmful effects of global warming and climate change are real.The environment needs your help and every little bit that helps. (Certainly, there are naysayers who disagree with the idea that global warming even exists, but I’m not one of them.)

The government has made an $80 billion investment in clean energy and initiatives promoting energy-efficiency that will hopefully pull the economy out of its recession and get Americans working again.

I must say, that I’m pretty stoked to be living in a city where I don’t have to drive to get from point A to point B and where lawmakers are very environmentally aware and are seeking to do their part to extend resources, create green jobs and cut waste.

Here’s how I do my part to help save the earth’s resources: I obsessively recycle, I bring my own bags when I shop, I turn off lights, I donate my old clothes and bags, I use my local libraries, I take public transit and walk as often as possible, I finally stopped subscribing to lots of magazines and read them either online or on my Kindle, I don’t print out unnecessary emails, I use CFL lightbulbs.

Here’s what I don’t do: I don’t volunteer enough and do enough outdoor activities, and I can’t stop my husband from driving to work each day. I have friends who are likely more green than I am, and I am learning from them. But as I said, every little bit helps — and my small somethings are a lot better than nothing at all. All in all, on the green scale, I’m more chartreuse than forest green.

Simply put, Earth Day is about real people taking responsibility for their communities and the environment. What are you going to do to honor the 40th anniversary of Earth Day? Volunteer with an event in your community of perhaps, participate in the EPA’s Take 5 program and commit to five changes to help make the planet a better place.

Here are some easy tips for going green, it isn’t that hard to incorporate some of these activities into your lifestyle. As for me, my project is swapping my husband’s car keys for subway fare at least two days a week. Hey, it’s a start. (In honor of Earth Day, is giving away five signed copies of “Kennedy Green House” by Robin Wilson. Click here for details.)

Going Green at Home

Learn more about reducing waste, recycling, and removing dangerous toxins from your home and garden. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have great tips for greening your lifestyle.
