How to Give the Gift of Meals This Holiday Season – Black Enterprise

How to Give the Gift of Meals This Holiday Season

feeding america

feeding americaDid you know that $1 can help provide nine — yes, nine — meals?

Chances are you didn’t. And indeed, there’s a problem facing America: Nearly 50 million Americans struggle with hunger, and many of them are working families, children and the elderly, according to Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger relief organization.

The good news?

There’s a really, really easy solution.

That’s why now from now through January 10, you can visit Feeding America’s Give A Meal website. Nearly 20 million meals have been given in America. Feed America’s in need of so many more.

“This year, a generous $1.5 million match donation from Bank of America is tripling a dollar donation’s impact from 9 meals to 27 meals,” Feeding America says. “These meals are essential to feeding the nearly 50 million Americans who are food insecure — or may not know where their next meal is coming from.”

In this season where we’re all thinking about family, gifts and togetherness, it’s time we think about those less fortunate. If you’re not moved, think about it: Many of the families affected by hunger are families who are taking care of children and the elderly; of the than 37 million Americans network members they serve each year, they feed 14 million children and 3 million seniors.

Be sure and check out other ways you can get involved.
