‘Fashionpreneur’ Gives Tips for Young and Aspiring Entrepreneurs – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

‘Fashionpreneur’ Gives Tips for Young and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Fashion entrepreneur Ariana Pierce

Who inspires you?

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has taught me how to balance a great work and family life. I’ve learned from her example of how to be a strong woman who is passionate about motivating and uplifting other women around the world.

How do you tackle your fears?

I tackle my fears through meditation and prayer. There was a time I had to meet with producers who wanted to feature my brand on TV. It made me very nervous and there was pressure to perform well in front of the camera. The night before the meeting, I said a prayer and meditated on how the entire day would go. I saw myself speaking with confidence and nailing the interview. It’s amazing how the outcome was exactly how I pictured it the night before. Now this has become my go-to method when anxiety and fear try to creep in.

Since launching your businesses what has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge in launching my business was learning to be mature and speak up for my brand. The beauty industry is a very mature market, so there are times when I have to meet with manufacturers, store owners, or even buyers who are twice or three times my age. It can be very intimidating meeting with these types of people, especially when they find out how young I am, and was, in the beginning of starting my business.

How did you overcome this challenge?

I overcame this challenge by studying the in’s and out’s of my industry. Every time I met with them, I was prepared, so nothing or anyone could throw me off. That’s the best advice I can give to someone when starting their business. Know your industry and be confident, that way when a challenge arises, you know how to handle it in the moment.

What do you wish you had known then, that you know now?

Something that I wish I had caught on to before, was the concept of blogging. I am consistent with it now, but when first launching my brand, I would blog maybe every three months. It was something that I didn’t put my heart into until about 4 or 5 years ago when I gave consistent blogging a try. Blogging about my brand, lifestyle, and business tips has caused me to make more profits than ever before because it’s a place to hold content and I’m able to show people the true benefits of using my products. This inspired me to write my latest book, How To Build Your Blogging Business: In A Week. No matter what type of business you have, blogging is a necessity because it gives you a voice and allows you to be an expert in your field. There were tools, techniques, and templates I used to create a successful blogging platform, and I wanted to share it with the world.

Many young people graduate from college and struggle to find a job. What’s the best piece of advice you can give a recent college grad, about creating their own opportunities?

Use your college years as a big networking opportunity. One thing I learned after graduating from college is that you never know whom you will need in your future. Many times, opportunities come from people you know and not always because of your talent. Though both are a necessity to succeeding in your field, knowing the right people will lead you in the right direction and can help you with jumpstarting your career or business after school.
