Top Expert Tips on How to Save With Coupons

For part three of our coupon series, Black Enterprise got some great savings tips from Sami Cone, Savings.com DealPro and founder of SamiCone.com.

Black Enterprise: How did you become a couponer?

Sami Cone: When I was pregnant with our second child, we found ourselves in one of the most difficult economic situations of our lives. After trying to sell our house unsuccessfully, I found myself unemployed and having to sell our car just to make ends meet. It was a unique experience that taught us to reevaluate our priorities and our budget. We learned what was really important and we saw firsthand God’s faithful hand of provision.

BE: What inspired you to start your website, SamiCone.com?

Cone: I began blogging to encourage others to live their dream life and pursue their passions. I’ve taken my thriftiness to a new level. With a plethora of free family activities and a community of money-saving moms by my side, I’m committed to sharing all I’ve learned and continue to discover about life’s fun and free opportunities. I’m constantly reading and learning from others so I can pass that knowledge on.

BE: What are three of your best couponing tips?

Cone: 1. Develop a personal system for keeping track of coupons

. If you don’t remember where your coupons are, you can’t use them.

2. Always search for a coupon code before buying online. Websites like Savings.com are a great ‘one-stop-shop’ where you can find discounts and free shipping.

3. Know the store’s coupon policies. Shop where you can maximize your coupons through doubling, stacking, and store rewards.

BE: What advice would you give on how to save more money?

Cone: You’ll never know how much you can save until you realize how much you’re spending! If you’re not keeping track of what you spend and where you spend it, either through a paper budget or an app, start today! Also, don’t give up what you love, just find the best time to experience it. For example, travel during the off-season, eat out during lunchtime instead of dinner, and always look for special savings opportunities.

Black Enterprise: How can our readers find out more about couponing?

Cone: My blog, SamiCone.com is a great place to start. Consumers can also visit www.savings.com/blog. Anyone can listen to my daily savings tips on the nationally syndicated radio show Family Friendly Mornings with Doug and Jaci Velasquez. I also teach couponing classes in my local area in Nashville, Tennessee.

Check out the previous installment of this series for tips from coupon expert Kasey Trenum.

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