Executive Leadership Council CEO Talks Achieving Objectives in Global Diversity – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Executive Leadership Council CEO Talks Achieving Objectives in Global Diversity

ELC President Ronald C. Parker (Image: File)

paper we captured the voice of millennials in regards to the expectations they are looking to encounter as they climb up the ladder to C-Suite positions. What we discovered is that the attribute of global leadership has shifted from oversight to insight. So it’s not what you control, but it’s what you influence. With millennials using tech as an engagement and interactive tool, we are intrigued by the fact that it’s not your job title that allows you to have global impact and influence, but it may be your number of followers who determine your power to drive change and inclusion.

Speaking of millennials, do you feel African Americans who sit on corporate boards today have an obligation to push for greater diversity and advocate on behalf of the next generation of black leaders?
Yes, they do have an obligation and if not them then who, and if not now, then when. As a diverse leader who brings a unique perspective in the areas of where investments will be made, in the areas of where [the] talent pipeline will be discussed, it is the role of that black board member and all board members to ensure that the concept of inclusion and diversity is reflected in the strategies of that company. Also, as they contribute to the success of that organization it is courageous of any black leader, or any leader, to realize that when their time has come to step aside and not seek re-election, that they provide the nominating board of that committee with [the] names of individuals who are black and other diverse candidates who will bring that unique perspective to the board conversation.

With ELC expanding its membership beyond those from Fortune 500 companies to also include entrepreneurs, what is the organization doing to increase supplier diversity and ensure that these entrepreneurs are growing from a revenue standpoint?
As we are having these conversations through corporate board initiatives, our objective is to add 200 black executives to publicly traded boards over the next 3-5 years. We are also challenging the boards our members sit on to not only look at representation of C-Suite and pipeline talent, but to also make sure women and minority-owned firms are given the opportunity to compete and bid on the use of their goods and services. As we move forward with the possibility to have exchange with investors in Africa, we are also working to see if they can invest in and provide opportunities to companies here in the states.

In short, what is the overall impact you want ELC to have within the next five years?
[We want] to increase the number of black executives at global enterprises, and to invest in their continued growth and development wherever they may reside in their career cycle. One reason we went from Fortune 500 to Global 1000 is because we are seeing growth and discovering a lot of members have already entered into the world of private equity, and we want to give them opportunities to be owners in mid cap areas and opportunities to be board members and advisors of those companies as they matriculate to become a part of the Fortune 500 group. At the end of the day, it’s all about creating value. If we create value in the organizations we are a part of we hope they will reflect the value of inclusion.
