Establishing A Legacy of Wealth: Part 1 – Black Enterprise

Establishing A Legacy of Wealth: Part 1

Ryan Mack 

Ryan Mack

African Americans have been extremely disadvantaged because of the conditions in which we first arrived to this country. Immigrants came to this land with their cultures intact and strong self-esteem, both of which can result in a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Slaves, in contrast, were broken down and reduced emotionally, as well as physically.  For a long time, blacks were denied the opportunities to be employers or employees. We were required to be slaves.

Even after slavery, we continued to be oppressed and were not given an equitable opportunity to move ahead. For example, soon after the invention of the radio, the government which owned the rights to distribute this new product, decided to disseminate the rights of broadcast to the public.  These became our first radio stations.  The long exclusive list was comprised of the most affluent in society, and of course none were African American.  Furthermore, when television was invented, these same owners (and others like them), were given the same opportunities.  Situations similar to these have left many families with strong legacies of wealth that stretch back to the days of America’s founding fathers.

No, we haven’t had the best of times since arriving to this country.  It is also true that we continue to face many forms of degradation and discrimination.  However, even with the strife that we have endured, we are at a point where we need to take accountability for our own actions.  In many ways, we continue to be the cause of the inhibition of our own growth.

And as they heard these things he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.  He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.  And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. (LUKE 19:11-13)

While others may interpret this differently, to me this verse means that a certain King of Kings, while he is away receiving his kingdom of Heaven, has given each of us an allotment.  He expects us to demonstrate responsibility for this gift, until his return. If you were to read further into this passage through Verse 27, you will see that he did return. He then took full account of what each one of his faithful servants had done with his allotment.
