[WATCH] ES 2015: BE Townhall Black Males Matter

On the one hand: President Barack Obama. At the other extreme: Michael Brown and Eric Garner, whose deaths at the hands of police energized the Black Lives Matter Movement. Forgotten or ignored: the entrepreneurs and scholars, the executives and professionals, the scientists and educators, the activists and innovators, the husbands and fathers who comprise the majority of African American men and the black male experience. Join us for a powerful, solution-focused discussion with a diverse panel of black men, moderated by Black Enterprise CEO Earl “Butch” Graves Jr., about how to deal with the obstacles to black male success without devaluing the lives, potential and contributions of black boys and men. – See more at: http://archive.blackenterprise.com/events/entrepreneurs-conference/es-livestream/#sthash.wkg9SVOI.dpuf